Early Career Framework (ECF)
Statutory requirements for all early career teachers from September 2024.

The Early Career Framework (ECF) has been designed to make sure early career teachers focus on learning the things that make the most difference in the classroom and their professional practice.
Induction programmes will include high-quality development materials, underpinned by the ECF, which will support early career teachers to develop the essential knowledge and skills to set them up for a successful and fulfilling career in teaching.
The ECF has been compiled by an expert advisory group with input from teachers, school leaders, academics and experts and has been independently assessed and endorsed by the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF).
The Early Career Framework (ECF) underpins an entitlement to a fully funded, two-year package of structured training and support for early career teachers linked to the best available research evidence. The package of reforms will ensure new teachers have dedicated time set aside to focus on their development, with additional funding set aside to support this.

Full Induction
Registration for the Early Career Framework (ECF) is now open. Schools/MATs employing ECTs from September 2024 will need to register via the DfE online service. This service will ask for several details in relation to induction programme preference, number of ECTs and mentor details. Schools are able to choose from the three Early Career Teacher (ECT) induction programme options.
The DfE awarded 6 national lead providers a contract for the design and QA of the Full Induction programme. Lead providers will be working with a range of local delivery partners, to offer the Full Induction programme which has full fidelity to the ECF reforms. In collaboration with TS Hubs and national lead providers, Learners First is excited to be involved in the delivery of the Full Induction Programme.
Lead Providers will be held to account for the quality of their training through regular quality assurance so schools can be assured that this training will remain high quality. The full induction programme is fully funded and will be delivered by high quality facilitators who have undergone intensive training and development by lead provider, EDT. Full Induction training will be available across Learners First for both Early Career Teachers and mentors.
Funding will be paid directly to the provider by the DfE – schools will not have any burdens in terms of payment. Funding is available to pay for mentor time-off timetable for 36 hours over two years for mentors to attend CPD courses and other training and professional development activities.
The Full Induction Programme is a freely available national offer.
In addition and in response to school leader feedback, we are also able to offer support to subscribing schools wishing to follow the ‘Core Induction’ option.
Please contact our Early Career Lead at the address below to discuss this option.


There are many implications as a result of these new statutory reforms for school leaders to consider, including staffing and financial resource, and we are conscious that it is not the easiest landscape to navigate.
Colleagues within Learners First have knowledge, experience, and expertise about all three ECF programmes which can be used to support your school/MAT explore the changes, opportunities and next steps. This is led by the Strategic Lead for Early Career Development who is also able to offer bespoke briefings, telephone/zoom calls or information sessions to schools and/or MATs.
Please contact our Early Career Lead at the address below to arrange a bespoke conversation.

ECF Contact
For information regarding the Early Career Framework or to discuss your options please contact:
Early Career Lead: Mark Roddison
- mroddison@learnersfirst.org
- Telephone: 01709 267 021
- Twitter: @Learners_First